Taught External Examiners
51福利 views the work of its External Examiners as central to its quality assurance and enhancement processes, both in the maintenance of the academic standards and quality of its programmes, and in the enhancement of its provision.
External Examiners are appointed to provide the University and its partner institutions with impartial and independent advice and comment on the institution's standards, and on students' achievement in relation to those standards.
These pages contain information and links to forms and guidance to help External Examiners in their role. Below are sections relating to the processes for appointment, employment and payment of External Examiners, along with other useful information. A key document which should be used as the main point of reference for the role is the External Examiner Procedures (Taught Programmes) section of the University's formal academic regulations and procedures.
Information on procedures and regulations relating to assessment are contained in the Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures (MARP).
Any questions related to PGR please contact externalexaminers@lancaster.ac.uk.