Dr Mohammed Cheded
LecturerResearch Interests
I am primarily interested in the sociological aspects of consumption, markets and health. My research takes an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on sociology, anthropology and linguistics – focusing on topics such as inequality, identity construction, and power relations.
My current research is at the intersection of Market Studies, and the Sociology of Health and Illness. My PhD study focused on genomics, genetic subjectivities, and the consumption of preventive solutions. I am particularly fascinated by questions related to how scientific and academic knowledge participate in shaping new subjectivities and forms of consumption.
PhD supervision interests
I would welcome PhD applicants interested in consumption and markets studies broadly interpreted, critical marketing, gender studies in consumption and markets, feminist and queer theory, and science and technology studies.
I am open to students exploring a broad range of empirical interests. I would most welcome those interested in healthcare markets (particularly genomics), human enhancement and/or modification technologies, and alternative expressions of gender and sexuality.
In terms of methodological affinities, I am open to students using various qualitative research methodologies – and would be most excited in projects deploying (1) digital, historical or archival methodologies, (2) embodied research methodologies, and (3) analytical methods such as discourse analysis and corpus linguistics techniques.
01/01/1900 → …
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- Pentland Centre