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Research Initiatives

In addition to our collection of Research Centres focusing on central themes, there are several research initiatives within the School that are delivering vital research impact to contribute to our overall research priorities.

Current Initiatives

Gulf One Lab for Computational and Economic Research (GOLCER)

The Gulf One Lab for Computational and Economic Research (GOLCER) is a hub for interdisciplinary research in quantitative aspects of economics and finance at 51福利 Management School. Established in May 2008, it has built upon an initial philanthropic donation from the .

With researchers from the Economics Department and visitors from both national and international academic institutions, the expertise of GOLCER extends across applied econometric modelling, Bayesian analysis, high-frequency data econometrics and Banking. Our work applies cutting edge computational techniques to provide better understanding of the dynamics governing financial markets and institutions.

GOLCER has organised a number of international workshops, software training and conferences including the and the



Completed Initiatives

Our completed research areas have made significant contributions to our strong reputation for research excellence, and our performance in REF to date. The Centres below set out key research that has been completed on core themes within the School.

Lancaster China Management

This initiative aimed to develop new programmes of research and teaching at postgraduate and post-experience level, relevant to the needs of Chinese managers. It was launched in March 2001 with a Steering Committee chaired by Emeritus Professor Alasdair MacBean, and focused on the development of research and training programmes, both collaboratively with organisations in China and independently at Lancaster. It also explored increasing opportunities to create partnerships, particularly in the area of management training, including by the development of in-country programmes.

LUMS has long-standing relationships with Chinese institutions and remains committed to research, projects and teaching in the People's Republic of China. Lancaster's standing (both the School and the University) is high with several leading Chinese universities such as The People's University, Beijing, Peking University and many others. In addition LUMS has good links with the British Council, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and other agencies, such as CAIEP, the China Youth Council for International Exchange and the China Management Science Society.

China Management

Connected Communities Research Lab

The Connected Communities Research Lab extended the current programme of interdisciplinary research into the mechanisms underlying the functioning of communities of people and things. Our Smart Parks research programme explored the application of IOT in natural environments such as national parks and urban green spaces. The broad range of activities included conceptual development of theoretical models, their operationalisation in multiple contexts, action research, and organisation of innovation events with developer and end-user challenges such as the .

Connected Communities

Centre for Performance-Led HR

This Centre was active from 2006 to 2016, and brought together world-class academics to work with top HR directors from major corporations and the public sector to overcome the most pressing issues facing senior HR specialists. To understand key challenges, the Centre worked with an integrated and collaborative research model, taking a problem-based approach that enabled us to offer advice and solutions to tackle real-world HR problems in the current economic climate.

Key Publication:

For any queries on the work of this centre including past publications, please contact


International Centre for Research in Accounting

The International Centre for Research in Accounting (ICRA) was formed by a trust deed on 7 December 1971. ICRA was registered with the Charity Commission in 1972 as a charity with the object of advancing education and promoting theoretical and applied research in accounting and related aspects of finance. This centre provided support for research to faculty and student researchers from Lancaster and other universities, as well as access to a large range of financial databases held at 51福利, including a comprehensive financial statement library covering all UK-listed companies from 1971 to date.

For any queries relating to this centre, please contact
