Year 12 STEM Taster Day

Year 12 students sat in a lecture theatre

STEM Taster Day 2024

The Faculties of Science and Technology and Health and Medicine are pleased to welcome you and your students onto campus for our STEM Taster Day. Students will get to try hands-on practical sessions from our Departments on either the 19th or 20th June.

The Taster Day is an opportunity for students to discover more about studying STEM subjects at one of the country’s leading universities, what research is being carried out at Lancaster, and what impact it is having. It will also provide an opportunity for networking with academics of your subject speciality to discuss their research as part of a CPD morning.

Departments involved include: Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics, Environmental & Earth Sciences and Geography, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biomedical Sciences, Psychology, Why Lancaster, and Women in Engineering.

The Faculty will be able to assist with transport costs and will provide all lunches and refreshments.

Places are limited therefore we can only take one coach per school or college. If you would like to book or receive more information please email:

STEM Taster Day Student Itinerary

  • 10am – Arrival
  • 10.05am – 10.20am – Welcome
  • 10.30am - 12pm - Session one
  • 12.10pm - 12.50pm - Lunch
  • 1pm - 2.30pm - Session two
  • 2.30pm - 3pm - Close
  • 3pm - Departure

STEM Taster Day Teacher Itinerary

  • 10am – Arrival
  • 10.05am - 10.20am - Welcome
  • 10.30am - 11am - Opportunity for teachers to network and catch up with their admin, with refreshments
  • 11am - 12pm - Teacher discussions with academics (optional)
  • 12.10pm - 12.50pm - Lunch
  • 1pm - 2.30pm - Opportunity for teachers to network and catch up with their admin, with refreshments
  • 2.30pm - 3pm - Close
  • 3pm - Departure

FST Sessions

The Faculty of Science and Technology has a whole host of sessions available for you to take part in!


Our Particle Physics research group is studying the fundamental forces and interactions that shape our universe. In this session, you will visit our Particle Physics Teaching Laboratory, where you'll have the opportunity to use highly sensitive detectors to study the properties of cosmic-ray particles from outer space. You will also be able to measure the trace gamma-ray radiation emitted by everyday objects, like bananas!

Mathematics and Statistics

Discover how mathematics and statistics can be applied to the real world to both find beauty and predict the future. In the mathematics section of this workshop, explore how the beauty of geometry can be captured by the concept of a group by counting symmetries of objects – even in 4 dimensions! In the statistics section of this workshop, you will get a taste of how statistics can be used to look through a mathematical crystal ball. By mathematically defining relationships between variables, you will find out how the past can help us predict the future.


Take part in a team challenge set to music in our undergraduate teaching lab. Can you match the beat? Students, in two teams will set up and conduct their own demonstration of the Iodine Clock Reaction showcasing their attempts in time to music. The Iodine Clock Reaction is a historic and classic chemistry experiment demonstrating the basic principles of kinetics.


This session will introduce you to some of the state-of-the-art research being conducted by 51福利’s Psychology Department. You will experience demonstrations of high-tech methods that we use to investigate and understand different aspects of the mind and behaviour. You will learn how neuroscientists study illusions and auditory hallucinations, how social psychologists are using police body camera footage to investigate behaviour during arrests, and how developmental psychologists study learning in children and infants. We will also explain how our research findings can benefit society by advancing understanding of important real-world issues.

Environmental and Earth Sciences and Geography

Work out how much power someone pedalling on a bike produces. We then compare that to different electrical household items. Then how do trees contribute to methane emissions in the Amazon rainforest. We’ll be discussing the theory behind ‘treethane’ and attempting to see how a tree here in LEC can either take up or emit methane, and finally exploring the health of coral reefs. Lancaster hosts the largest group of coral reef researchers in Europe, working to understand threats and solutions to coral reef conservation worldwide. Here, we will give you a taste for some of our ecology-focused research and explore how to figure out the health of a reef.


We will explore how digital technology can help with tackling some of the problems we face in the world today. The session will start with a brief overview on how digital technologies are applied in various areas like health and wellbeing, environmental science, communications and security. We will then divide into groups to work on a practical and creative activity. The groups will choose a challenge to explore and create ideas for devices, apps or systems to help improve the lives of the people in that given scenario.

FHM Session

Biological Sciences

DNA is a fundamental biomolecule that encodes a vast amount of information contained within genetic code. Genetic code differences are what make individuals unique, and can also be responsible for genetic conditions, disease susceptibilities, or response to drugs. Join us in our state-of-the-art teaching lab for a hands-on opportunity to use an agarose gel and find out more about molecular biology techniques. Learn how measuring genetic differences between individuals can be used to understand patients and inform their treatments.